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Homeless Veteran Outreach

"Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars."


-Kahlil Gibran

How We Help

The homeless veteran program is a multi-faceted approach to help assist in realistic solutions to this crisis. Our success depends on detailed attention to the individual veteran's immediate needs through dedicated Outreach Teams and partnership with other nonprofits and the VA Homelessness Program.

Food and Clothing Collection 

Work with local establishments as donation locations for supplies.

Hot Food Drives

Coordinate transportation to partnered locations where veterans can enjoy a warm, sit-down meal in a safe environment with other veterans. 

Legal Consultation

Provide access to legal support through the Surplus Americans network of legal professionals.

Outreach Team

Teams are responsible for working with a homeless veteran in the area and supporting their reintegration back into the local community.


Each team consists of three or more volunteers to include at least one veteran.


Our teams are trained on a developed curriculum and closely guided by the Surplus Americans management team.


What is an Outreach Team

Establish a personal relationship with the homeless veteran.


Provide nutritional and emotional support through Surplus American programs.


Help the homeless veteran navigate VA enrollment process.​​


Outreach Team Responsibilities

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